The Long Story!

prepare to read the whole boring story of my iOS dev career

Long Story

I was a lazy student at high school. After graduating from high school, I didn’t go to university because I hated school & reading books. I was good at Photoshop (as a hobby), so I went to work in the graphic design(for digital printing) industry & I worked for 6 years in this industry. Then I met an android developer friend & asked him to teach me a little about programming because, of course, I was dreaming of building my own AI & conquering the world with it!

So from then, I fell in love with the programming & continued to learn & develop a couple of android apps & due to being a fan of Apple products, I started to learn Swift & developed a couple of iOS apps as well, until I found out I could now work as an iOS developer!

So I left the graphic design industry & started a new path in my life.

I even started to go to university(software engineering) to improve my programming skills, but after 4 years I got bored & dropped out of there…

As you know by now, I’m good at graphic design, so I enjoy designing UI & UX as well & I do this besides developing apps in my company & for myself as well.

This was my whole career path.

On this journey, I gained some technical skills like:

Developing iOS / macOS / watchOS apps with the MVC & MVVM design patterns with both imperative & declarative programming paradigms with unit testing and UI testing.

I also learned to deploy the VIPER & clean architecture in practice.

I have also developed some apps completely with SwiftUI.

I believe I have mastered the MVC & MVVM patterns & Storyboard & I can design very complex applications with these patterns.
In past years, I uploaded many iOS apps to the Appstore & experienced working with maps, web sockets, scene kit, AR kit, databases & countless technologies & used the TestFlight to test & review the applications. alsoI have experienced developing in-app purchases for some applications.

Now I’m planning to improve my development skills to be a good senior iOS developer & I want to know more & more about iOS programming & I enjoy doing it.

Finally, the bad things about me:

1- Hands down, I suck at mathematics & I always get help when I need to calculate something!

2- I care about cleanliness of the code base more than standards & that sometimes bothers my colleagues.

3- I’m not a socialized, charming person, my social skills suck. For example, I don’t like to talk a lot & if you asked me an interview question like: What is a good quality of a developer? I will simply answer you: I DON’T KNOW!

In total, I’m not a talented & uneducated developer with high skills, but I try my best to do my job & always trying to learn more & more & I love this path.